14 září, 2022
Sitola seminar (SitSem) was held from 8th to 10th September in former Jesuit college, now the University center, in the beautiful town of Telč. The program included several interesting blocks focused on planning and routing, efficient and effective usage of computing resources, research collaborations, and big data. During the seminar, we also went on a joint walk around Telč and visited the building of the Jesuit college.

14 září, 2022
Hana Rudová co-organized the International Timetabling Competition 2019 , which was expected to be officially closed at the 13th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling in 2020. Due to covid, the onsite award ceremony was organized at the end of this summer in the postponed conference at Leuven, Belgium. The competition aimed to motivate further research on complex university course timetabling problems coming from practice. One of the problems which will be solved in the competition comes from our Faculty of Informatics; others have been collected from institutions in North and South America, Asia, and Africa using UniTime university timetabling system.

15 dubna, 2022
At the beginning of March 2022, the first international workshop focused on autotuning took place in the Netherlands. One of the organizers is our colleague Jiří Filipovič working on research in this direction. The goal of the meeting, which is sponsored by the Lorentz Center, is primarily to bring together experts on autotuning for GPUs, create new collaborations and generally discuss possible advancements and development in the field.